09 Mar

northampton crown court news

Rowbottom, 20, of Manor Road, Denton, Manchester, pleaded guilty to the offences and was handed a nine year sentence, including six years in a Young Offender Institute, with a further three years on licence. Roberts stated he agreed as he was threatened with violence if he didn't comply. She claimed that until police told him he believed the girl was 17 years-old, something the judge rejected saying she believed he had known her real age all along. Police arrived at the scene and Stewart was arrested nearby. "You tried, by various strategies, chatting to her to get her guard down but you got nowhere with that. Find out where he is or where Alison is - Ill sort you out proper.. A prolific burglar who targeted homes across Blackburn and Burnley has been jailed. Mr Wise arrived for work a short time later where there was a verbal confrontation. "You pleaded guilty only to save your skin.". The men were carrying firearms and initially discharged bullets at the summer house where 65-year-old Charles Baldwin was sleeping after a day's work, "blowing the patio doors off.". On March 5 he carried out his threat and threw bricks and paving stones from the roof - causing between 4,000 and 7,000 of damage to the surgery and a nearby salon and betting shop. Butler, of Walker Street, Preston was sentenced to 11 years in prison, with a further three years on licence. A Fleetwood man needed a blood transfusion and has been left permanently disfigured after being stabbed outside a chippy. He said officers found the men had two kilos of cocaine in a backpack, valued at up to 200,000. Described as a key figure and the Merseyside upstream gangster in that crime operation, he was the wholesale supplier to the Gloucester-based gang. This pushed Hindle over the edge and provoked him into the action when the mere suggestion of taking the stash was not having that effect, Mr Evans said. He had worked with young people at a gym in the North West for around 14 years she added and there were never any complaints about his behaviour. A message found on one mobile phone involved someone asking to inspect 250g of cocaine. Jatinder Bunger, 38, previously a detective constable with Lancashire Constabulary, was sentenced to 10 months in prison at Manchester Crown Court after pleading guilty to five charges of misconduct in public office at an earlier hearing, a spokesman for the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said. But he returned to his flat in Bold Street, where he was murdered just a few weeks later. Miss Waring, a vulnerable 45-year-old woman, had been subjected to a number of assaults by Edwards during their two-month relationship and was seen being punched to the face by him on Tuesday January 15, 2019, around two weeks before her family last heard from her. But after Ms Hachem was sent out to buy a lettuce for a meal when breaking fast at Ramadan, she was caught up in the shooting and never returned home. In a powerful victim impact statement, the girl told how she had been left suffering panic attacks and night terrors as a result of his despicable actions. They genuinely feared for their safety.". Defending, Paul Wood said: I asked the defendant why on Earth hes carried on offending like he has. He was in the living room watching television when he was alerted by his son that someone was in the rear garden. Claire Townsend asked to use the 87-year-old victim's phone after talking her way into his sheltered accommodation just off Pleasington Street, Blackburn. Fear, of Queensberry Road, Burnley, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Shaw, 30, of Railway Path, Ormskirk, is believed to have spent around 20 minutes in the house before he was discovered and then proceeded to perform a sex act on himself after being kicked out. The victim ran back inside and tried to close the back door but the defendant ran after her and pushed his way in. Both males were chased out of the property by the owner and he discovered they had smashed they're way in via the conservatory door. The judge, Beverley Lunt, told Phythian he was a menace. Steven Brogan, 36, and 34-year-old Anthony Reilly, both of Skelmersdale, took the jet ski from the Lowestoft area of Suffolk to a pick-up point in the Netherlands to collect the drugs, Ipswich Crown Court heard. He was drinking from a can of lager. On noticing defendant Clifford Sculpher attempting to open the door to the till area, the victim a man in his 30s went to see what was going on. Two people were originally charged with his murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter in September this year. Class A drugs are inextricably linked to violence and exploitation in our communities, and we will continue to work with our partners to target the organised crime groups involved.. Phillip Wrigley, 37, seriously assaulted the man in his 20s at his St Annes flat last year. "It was a very troubled time of her life and she was in the care of the local authority. Steven Morris and Kelly Cassidy were walking along Walter Street, Brierfield, when the elderly woman's husband ran into the street to get help at around 3am on October 16 last year. She explained it was a family run business and after his promotion in the spring of 2018 he began his dishonesty. When police arrived at Gregson's house they described a 'bloodbath' with Ms McKenna injured on the floor. She could see the reflection of something in the bathroom. A woman's ear was bitten off during a booze and cocaine fuelled frenzy at a house in Burnley. It was shortly after midnight on March 15, 2019, that officers from Lancashire Constabulary's Tactical Operation Unit stopped a taxi driven by Miah and arrested him along with Gallagher at the scene. Instead of a schoolgirl Coulthwaite was greeted by police officers who found that as well as the alcopop he had brought baby wipes, a kitchen towel, a mint Aero chocolate, Mini Eggs and a necklace in a gift bag with the girl's name on. He was arrested this week in a hotel in Glasgow with more than 50,000 in cash and 8,350 US dollars after police launched a manhunt. Your motives were purely sexual and the messages were of a vile nature. Among the images recovered were recordings of some of Rushtons child victims performing indecent acts on live web chats. Yann Wehrling, vice-prsident de la rgion le-de-France, charg de la Transition cologique, et Patrice Leclerc, maire de Gennevilliers et Prsident du groupe Front De Gauche la . Gordon then went home as officers confirmed with the girl that Gordon had sold her a small bag of cannabis. On one occasion a taxi driver who dropped her at the house where Yankey was living in Atherton, described him as "looking a bit dodgy" as he looked up and down the street before she went inside. They followed the car and parked behind it on Waverley before asking Hunt to step out while they carried out a search. The horrid ordeal eventually came to light when the victims mother discovered messages between the two and confronted him. Lee McNae, 36, groomed the vulnerable victim and subjected her to sexual abuse time and time again across 2019, 2020 and 2021. More than 200 videos were found on Bulls laptop, with the footage time-stamped between December 2011 and December 2012. On March 9 2021, neighbours at a nearby care home reported suspicious activity and the premises was raided. The incident had a "significant impact" on the victim, the court heard, bringing on anxiety and weight loss while also becoming withdrawn. He suggested they meet.". Mr Travers said: He has a family, three children, the youngest are eight and six. They will kill me but I will take a few people with me. The woman "threw drugs towards (Macauley) as the police arrived"," said the prosecutor. In a victim statement, Mr Cullens family said their dad had his demonsbut was trying to make positive steps in his life. Sheikh Juned was told by a judge he has a terrible record for someone aged only 24 when he appeared at Preston Crown Court. This court is Active. This indicates that Bonzo sustained blunt force trauma to the chest on at least four separate occasions between the beginning of September 2019 and December 23, 2019 that resulted in multiple rib fractures and a fractured right cheek bone.. Mr Ashman was left lying injured in the street surrounded by horrified onlookers and Preston Crown Court heard that he faces six months of gruelling physiotherapy before hell be able to walk again. He is working incredibly hard to come back from his injury and I hope that now the court process has concluded, he is able to move forward with his life.. A Lancashire mum who funded terrorism contacted her Islamic extremist 'husband' from jail using a phone she hid in her bra. Ben Ashman suffered a fractured foot and multiple associated injuries which mean he will never be able to run again and will face life-long pain. He wishes, through me, and it wasnt teased out of him, to say he is sorry and he has shown a great degree of remorse. What is all the more shocking is that all the victim was doing was asking for a taxi fare up front before setting off, which he was perfectly entitled to do. He was sentenced at Burnley Crown Court. Find out how long Duff has been jailed for here. Judge Teague reduced the sentence to reflect Coulthwaite's guilty plea and the current impact of the coronavirus pandemic on prisoners. Two years eight months, Jack Beeke, 28, of Church Terrace, Darwen. The court heard Banyard had lived in a flat with his now late father in Eastbourne, in a block owned by his victims partner, when a dispute over a faulty boiler escalated, culminating in Mr Anderson-Boles kicking the front door in. At around 6pm Turner and his wife needed to go and see the babysitter. He was quickly identified as Walker who has numerous previous convictions for house burglary. The boy, who can not be named for legal reasons, only told his mum about the attack when she spoke to him about personal safety and said no-one was allowed to touch him. She said Webster was due to be released on licence on December 23 last year, but had since been remanded in custody. Two men in a toxic relationship egged each other on to commit hideous acts which saw one of them sexually abuse a young boy. Baby killer Jordan Monaghan has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for murdering his two children and girlfriend. He loved all parts of history and had the most incredible knowledge. During this examination - as well as the cut eye - the vet found the dog had a number of broken ribs. Sitting at Preston Crown Court, Recorder Geoffrey Payne sentenced Shaw to eight years and three months custody with a further four years on extended licence, having deemed him to be a dangerous offender. He is a real threat and concern with his pattern of offending. ", Ms Kenny said: "He very much wishes to engage with any assistance that can be provided within the prison.". Philip Jennings will spend three and a half years in prison after attacking his stepfather and leaving him unconscious in a pool of blood. Terrence Wilding, 75, was banned from having any unsupervised contact with children after he was jailed for a serious sexual assault on a six-year-old child in 2015. The flat smelled of bleach and attempts had been made to clean the scene. Miss Gerry QC read out a lengthy quote from John Steinbecks classic novel Of Mice And Men relating to the characters of Lennie and Crooks which is said to reveal much about the vulnerability of those who find themselves on the fringe of mainstream society. "She was so loved by everyone who knew her and universally described as a lovely woman with a great sense of humour. Thomas Parkin was arrested after the girls mother discovered he had been having sex with her. Curran, 48, kept a special catfishin phone which he used for his sordid and illegal activity. Police attended Formby Beach to disperse a group of 200 people who had gathered, Mr White said. He died in hospital in the early hours of the next day. Prosecutor Jane Dagnall said Juned was stopped by police on April 13 of this year when he was found with a significant amount of heroin and crack cocaine. You turned up for that meeting and were promptly arrested.". As the offenders left the pub, Osbaldeston grabbed a brick and threw it at Mr Burts head. describing the men as a 'Romanian crime gang', was jailed for five years, eight months in April. Detectives are encouraging victims of sexual abuse to continue to come forward after a Skelmersdale man was jailed for 11 years for historic abuse he committed in the town. After the collision, all four occupants abandoned the car and made their way back to Chatswoods address in Walsh Street. Blake Robert Watson had been married to Siobhan Hugh from 2016 until November 2019 when their marriage broke down. Suhail Mitha, 30, held up cabs on January 31 and February 8, demanding cash and the drivers mobile phones. Minutes later, as Bretherton approached the traffic lights in his van, Devane rode his pedal cycle up the side and "booted" the wing mirror, which Mr McEntee said was the catalyst for the events which followed. 33-year-old Danielle Orrell had been growing cannabis in a tent in her bedroom. Preston Crown Court heard how on March 10, Neil Barnett was involved in an altercation with a group of Asian youths and accused one of them of pushing into the queue at a shop in Brierfield, Pendle. Something went wrong, please try again later. She said it still plays on my mind knowing he was in my bathroom watching us for 20 minutes. But further enquiries showed that the air conditioning had been mended in the UK just months before the trip. Mr Blakey said: There are people who speak highly about you and the pre-sentencing report is a very good report as far as you are concerned but the reality of the situation is you decided of your own volition to involve yourself in peddling drugs, Class A in particular. When emergency services arrived they found a man in his 20s had suffered a large cut to his head and lost a significant amount of blood. An eight-week suspended sentence for refusing to provide a specimen after drunkenly driving his dads car was also activated to be served at the same time. Court/hearing room video conferencing facilities and prison to court video link facilities are available by prior arrangement. Harrison Ballantyne died in June 2017, after entering Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal to retrieve a football, Daventry International Rail Freight Depot operator W H Malcolm Limited was found guilty of health and safety failings at Northampton Crown Court. Prosecuting, Mike Stephenson explained that police were aware of drug activity in the area and decided to follow Davies car before pulling him over. As soon as I heard shouting coming from inside I just thought I want to go home!, "But of course you dont. Two heartless thieves who took advantage of a vulnerable to man to steal thousands of pounds shortly before he died have been jailed. Qayum, 21, of Patterdale Avenue, Blackburn, was sentenced to life with a minimum term of 20 years. Dave Smith, Director of border force south east, said: This is a significant sentence that sends a strong message that we will use every effort of UK law enforcement to disrupt criminal networks and stop drugs entering the UK. Tucker was a passenger while Bullows was driving the vehicle. Poynton was seen entering the chemist after her and making a phone call. The General Line operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week and Hussain continued to run his operation while on trial at Preston Crown Court for an unrelated matter for which he was eventually acquitted. Can Nigeria's election result be overturned? Defence barrister Anna Chestnut submitted a number of references to the court including letters from Stewarts mum and sister-in-law. Similar tactics were employed by the Flash Line OCG. Download the LancsLive app for free on iPhone here and Android here. Gregson was also injured in the fight after having the initials 'IM' carved into her arm. He was released under investigation but arrested again on June 19 when police spotted him acting suspiciously in a BMW. A youth who cannot be named for legal reasons, was acquitted on all charges. These are the faces of two violent thugs who went on a terrifying 24 hour rampage in Chorley, torching a car, trashing a woman's house and chasing a man with a Samurai sword and a spade. Britton, of Atkinson Close in Preston, pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs. A child rapist who handed himself in to the police eight years after he "denied it and got away with it" has been sentenced to 12 and a half years. The judge also imposed a five-year driving ban. I cannot overstate the impact this incident has had on the young victim. He then produced a rope and put it around the womans neck strangling her before raping her. The van stopped after hitting a kerb, the defendant got out and ran from the van and was eventually detained by a police dog.. And over a four-month period that year, the girl went missing from the care home in Greater Manchester where she was being looked, after numerous times. You can also correct any listing errors or omissions. A man sexually assaulted a sleeping child at a Skelmersdale hotel. The victim suffered a significant cut to his elbow, cuts to his ears and was left struggling to walk due to a knee injury. At 3am on December 11 of last year a number of police officers responded to reports of males acting suspiciously near the Honey Tree restaurant in Morecambe, Mr Sastry said. Murphy, who has been remanded in custody since January 11, was jailed for 12 months and told he will be released on licence after serving half of his sentence. She said he had sex with her on about five occasions. "Mandy was a caring and compassionate lady who had often helped out her neighbour Alan Fare. "I believe if nothing will be done I will end up in a situation where he feels he can do anything, and I will end up dead. A 'callous' thief who talked her way into the flat of a vulnerable pensioner before punched him on the ground and trying to steal from him has been banned from all sheltered housing properties in Lancashire. Seventeen minutes after leaving Sculpher at the A and E department, officers were recalled by staff who said the defendant was being aggressive and refusing to leave having been asked to do so. Get the biggest stories from our courts sent directly to your inbox by signing up for our new Crime and Punishment newsletter here. None of his family members were in court to see him sentenced. Thomas Walker had previously said this led them to argue and resulted in Joe Walker assaulting him and at one stage threatening him with a knife. Both men admitted to importing class A drugs. In addition, he stopped her from wearing clothing that would reveal injuries to her legs and would not allow her access to her own money. A forensic examination of these areas revealed Miss Waring's blood underneath the fresh paint. Youve accepted additional cookies. Other patrols joined in the pursuit and at one point the van broke hard while driving towards the centre of Ormskirk, went through a red light, overtook vehicles, all at speed, and drove on the wrong side of the road at a mini roundabout. He also said the dog also had some old injuries from running through some bushes a month and a half before. Noor, then 21, from Wavertree, who had married a jihadist fighter, was found guilty of providing money for terrorism and locked up for 18 months. This followed a three day search after Bateson broke the terms of a court order by failing to register a change in living circumstances which meant he was of no fixed address. During the six-day trial the jury heard Henwood had been in a volatile relationship with Mr Fisher 10 years ago and had badmouthed him Hindle before the killing. She feared her home, which she inherited in 2012, would be repossessed and she and her daughter would be homeless. The brothers appeared side by side on a videolink from prison as they were sentenced at Preston Crown Court. A Blackburn drug dealer was sentenced to 30 months in prison after being caught dealing on the streets in the town. Zamir Raja, 33, of Davyhulme Road, Stretford, Trafford - 34 years in prison for murder, with 28 years for attempted murder. Mr Hopkins said: "The conversation followed a similar pattern, he told her she was pretty and sexy. Mr Poole made his way over to them and was headbutted by the defendant. Shaw was arrested and gave a confused account when interviewed. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Although the female refused to co-operate with the police or CPS, evidence of her injuries was provided through statements from the police and images from their bodyworn cameras. The 35-year-old stole keys to a Ford Kuga car along with a wallet containing his bank cards. Judge Jeffries said: "This was an offence which was motivated by revenge and utilised a highly dangerous weapon.". Police also discovered a green bag containing four plastic petrol canisters, each containing what is believed to be petrol, close to where Schofield was arrested. Mr Sutton said: One complainant went to call the police and the first complainant watched him exit and it was clear that he was masturbating outside the property.. "It was not long before you all started to sacrifice your co-defendants in an attempt to save your own skins.". Regular contact was made between the number operated by Major and Grant Lennox from Blackpool who was described as being a lieutenant, or enforcer, of the AJ gang. A thug who walked into a Lancashire house and attacked one of the occupants with a vodka bottle was sent to prison for 32 months. Schofield, 22, of Compston Avenue, Rossendale, was charged with arson and remanded into custody. At the time of her arrest she claimed to be a victim but her story unravelled and it was proved she was working with Calin. He attacked Mr Fisher in the kitchen, stabbing him repeatedly to his face, chest and arms with such force the knife penetrated his internal organs. Police rushed to the scene and Lapinski, 57, was quickly arrested and charged the next day. Hamilton was then sentenced at Preston Crown Court to eight years in custody and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life. In the hearing at Preston Crown Court, 17-year-old Asad Hussain, was also jailed for five years for conspiracy to commit the serious assault which led to his death. There was no separate penalty for possession of criminal property - the cash. You are heading for double figures for your next offence but you are still young enough to turn your life around.. Sentencing, Judge Brian Cummings said: Its true that the quantity of drugs on the previous offences was significantly higher than on this occasion, but the great aggravating factor of that is you were on bail for those offences.. Joseph Hindle admitted stabbing 33-year-old Mark Fisher from Accrington in what he claimed was a robbery to steal cannabis but he was found guilty of murder after a trial at Preston Crown Court in December. Jones, attending the hearing via video link from HMP Styal in Cheshire, appeared emotional and was often seen wiping her eyes. The court heard Parkin has one previous conviction for a dishonesty matter. The 49-year-old was caught watching online streaming videos of children when officers arrived. "Many of the high value motor vehicles stolen have never been recovered resulting in huge financial losses. Barry Warner, from Southport, began talking to the girl but after it become clear the messages were starting to become inappropriate, the teen then drew him in just enough to incriminate himself. The pair plotted the robbery on January 18 last year and Hindle went to Mr Fishers house in Edleston Street at lunchtime the following day pretending to be someone called Joe Frank who was looking to buy cannabis. Failed to comply with court order; community order, surcharge 30, costs 85. David Green, formerly of Leyland Road, Southport, admitted possession of the drugs with intent to supply after police uncovered the illicit goods at his home. At 4.04pm on October 5, 2020, officers were called to a property in Rolleston Road following a report a woman in her 20s had been stabbed. Fallows returned a short time later and stabbed the victim with two knives numerous times, before walking back out of the social club. That is your chance to follow your word and make sure you dont end up here again.. Two men have been jailed for a combined total of 27 years and three months following a vicious attack on a man at a pub in Accrington. Worthington, 28, of Park Road, Southport, and Birch, 29, of Stuart Road, Bootle, were jailed for a combined total of more than three years and both received significant driving disqualifications. In court. The woman and two girls were released no further action. Following a number of enquiries officers arrested Glynn Threlfall later the same day on suspicion of GBH. He then punched her in the stomach and she later said she was petrified. You cope with disappointment, show resilience, and move on. Two members of an East Lancashire cocaine drug gang have been jailed for their part in the conspiracy. Lancashire Constabulary officers had been called around 2.35am on July 21 to a report of an incident at Wrigleys address in Lightburne Avenue. The incident occurred earlier this year, on Tuesday, February 9, after the victim had gone to collect a 34-year-old man and his partner from the man's address in Colne. The van accelerated to 40mph and the officer activated his siren but the vehicle didnt stop and what followed was a high speed pursuit which lasted 55 minutes. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison. He claimed that his friend Tucker was a friend and had come along "for the jolly.". The victim, whose throat Davidson had threatened to slit while in possession of a large zombie knife, was taken to hospital with injuries to her face, shoulder and back. Shaw, of Parsonage Court, Sandown, Isle of Wight, maintained that stance all the way to his trial but pleaded guilty on the second day to attempting to rape a woman over the age of 16. He did this without the victims granddaughters knowledge. They returned to find a note on the door from the police explaining there had been a burglary and upon entering saw a safe from their bedroom was now in the living room. "The rib fractures are so numerous it is difficult to determine precisely how many rib fractures have been sustained but there are at least 25. You are a truly devious and manipulative man, he said. On two occasions, Miyanji had sex with one of the girls, in the car park of Asda in Fulwood and in his bed at his family home. Neighbours rushed to help Mr Andrejenkovas who was taken to hospital to have his wounds sutured. The victim later discovered a blood stain on a duvet cover and the DNA was found to match that of Farnworth. Samar Salame, Ms Hachem's mother, said: "On that day my life and the lives of all my family changed forever. Sam Oakey, 32, was at the wheel of a stolen Landrover Discovery, which he had borrowed from a friend, when he sparked a police chase through Bispham. His close relationship with his children will suffer.. Two bikers who tampered with key evidence following the death of a friend before police arrived at the crash scene have been jailed. Sean Michael Fear carried out a sustained attack on Holly Cole at her home in Rossetti Avenue in Burnley on December 30 last year. A search by Border Force uncovered the cocaine hidden in a specially constructed wastewater tank. He stated that around half that amount was made through the sale of a car and the other half linked to the drug dealing. Your offending was significant because the amount involved is substantial, he said. The court heard Phythian has an extensive criminal record with convictions for armed robbery, attempting to break into cash machines and burglary. Together you tried to lie, scheme and plot your way out of trouble. Prolific shoplifter Kristopher John Murphy was handed a Criminal Behaviour Order back in October banning him from entering an area of Accrington after repeatedly targeting stores in the town centre. After his release he employed a chief minder later jailed for shooting dead a man outside a Greater Manchester nightclub in 2002.

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