09 Mar

genesis 3:19 explained

He sweat for us, as it had been great drops of blood. Charles Spurgeon thought the sense was, in the wind of the evening, when the evening breeze was blowing through the garden. b. This was how the LORD had fellowship with Adam and Eve, in a very natural, close, intimate way. Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. We are clothed with a garment of righteousness that was purchased with the life of another, Jesus Christ. 3. If nudity represented a higher, freer life, then God would have let Adam and Eve remain naked but He clothed them. The contents of this chapter we have, 2 Pet 2 6-8, where we find that "God, turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them with an overthrow, and delivered just Lot." Genesis 19 Commentary c. Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat? iv. c. And he said to the woman: Apparently, before the curse pronounced in Genesis 3:14-15, the serpent was different than what we know today as a serpent. ii. All Rights Reserved. Genesis 3:19 Commentaries: By the sweat of your face Genesis 3:19 - Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary iii. In her mind, she thought she was doing something good for herself. First, she gave in to the lust of the flesh (saw that it was good for food), then she gave in to the lust of the eyes (pleasant to the eyes), then she gave in to the pride of life (desirable to make one wise). The taking was all her doing. The serpent deceives Eve. Barnes' Notes on the Bible Here begins the judgment. We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, In the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, You will be like God, knowing good and evil, The woman saw that the tree was good for food, Then the eyes of both of them were opened, They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, walking in the garden in the cool of the day, I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid. We simply and strongly tell him, The Lord rebuke you! (Jude 9). Genesis 3:19 - By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food u God named the man, and called him Adam, which signifies red earth; Adam named the woman, and called her Eve, that is, life. We can see the precise truth of Pauls statement in 1 Timothy 2:14, that Eve was deceived when she sinned. c. Where are you? The New Testament Between you and the woman, i. Gods question demanded an answer. Satan teaches men first to doubt, and then to deny. But man was only sent to till the ground out of which he was taken. Genesis 3:15 has been called the proto-evangelium, the first gospel. No condition will of itself bring content, unless the mind be brought to it. Observe the steps of the transgression: not steps upward, but downward toward the pit. c. The LORD God sent him out of the garden of Eden: We dont know if Adam and Eve wanted to stay in the garden of Eden. The question was meant to arouse Adams sense of being lost. The friendship Eve and the serpent seemed to enjoy earlier in the chapter is finished. He will always reach for victory but always fall short of it. There is now a natural fear of Satan in the heart of man. She couldnt rightly say, the devil made me do it.. a. Major Prophets CSB 19 You will eat bread by the WebGenesis 3 tells the story of paradise lost by the willfulness of human sin. c. In toil you shall eat of it: Adam worked before the curse, but it was all joy. iii. The two angels come to Sodom. Then the eyes of both of them were opened: Seemingly, it was only after the sin of Adam that they knew of their sinful state. Adam and Eve were now miserable comforters to each other! Adam, being the head, is the problem here. ii. Clarke on nor shall you touch it: Some Jewish writers state that as soon as the woman had asserted this, the serpent pushed her against the tree and said, See, you have touched it, and are still alive; you may therefore safely eat of the fruit, for surely you shall not die.. They couldnt refuse to answer God the way a criminal might keep silent when questioned. And you shall eat dust Although the sentence took away from Adam the luscious fruits of paradise, yet it secured him a livelihood. Observe the startling question, Adam, where art thou? i. God knew the answer to this question. g. He shall bruise your head: For God to see the defeat of Satan at Satans first flush of victory shows God knew what He was doing all along. Has God indeed said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden? If Adam would have sinned first, and if he had then given the fruit to Eve, she might have a partial excuse before God: I was simply obeying the head of our home. WebGenesis 19:3. He spoke in a taunting way. Historical Books It is more than probable that they were clothed in light before the fall, and when they sinned the light went out. (Barnhouse). He chose to be with Eve instead of obeying God. Genesis 3 But to this point, she was called a female (Genesis 1:27), a helper comparable (Genesis 2:18), a woman (Genesis 2:22, 23), and a wife (Genesis 2:24, 25; 3:8). Genesis 3:19 NIV - By the sweat of your brow you will eat - Bible Genesis 4. He had no corrupt nature within, to betray him; but had a freedom of will, in full strength, not weakened or impaired. The curse promised thorns and thistles, and we remember that Jesus was crowned with thorns (Matthew 27:29). We cant outsmart Satan, but we can overcome him with the power of Jesus. General Epistles By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Genesis 3:19 (KJV) - Forerunner Commentary - Bible Tools Genesis 3 Anthony Robbins, motivational guru and king of late-night infomercials, consulted with President Clinton at Camp David. This lost sheep had wandered without end, if the good Shepherd had not sought after him, and told him, that where he was straying he could not be either happy or easy. They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: Adam and Eve knew that when they heard the LORD coming, He would want to be with them. i. 3. i. He tempts them to seek preferment, as if they were fit to be gods. Now work has a cursed element to it, with pain and weariness a part of work. This shows how remarkable it is that Jesus could say, Satan has nothing in Me (John 14:30). i. Satan questioned whether it were a sin or not, to eat of this tree. Enmity has the idea of ill will, hatred, and a mutual antagonism. It was the ground that was cursed due to Adam's sin, so that he had to toil by the sweat of his brow throughout this earthly life to provide what was originally bestowed in plentiful supply. Or, perhaps the idea focuses on mans greater knowledge (though in a bad sense) now that he has the experiential knowledge of evil. God announced that Satan would wound the Messiah (you shall bruise His heel), but the Messiah would crush Satan with a mortal wound (He shall bruise your head). i. He drew Eve into a discussion with him and planted the seed of doubt about Gods Word, and he exposed Eves incomplete understanding of Gods Word. b. Tunics of skin: In order for Adam and Eve to be clothed, a sacrifice had to be made. His sufferings and death; pointed at in Satan's bruising his heel, that is, his human nature. Like a servant who earnestly desires the shade, and like a hired man who eagerly looks for his wages (Job 7:1-2). The tree was not really good for food, though Eve was deceived into thinking it was so. 2. Clothes came in with sin. Genesis 3 b. Major Prophets d. You shall eat dust all the days of your life: This was true of the serpent as an animal, but it is also true of Satan. Chapter 3. WebAs Genesis 3:20 records an instance of humble, apprehending faith in the divine word, so here we have a manifest act of mercy on the part of God, indicating the pardon and acceptance of confessing, believing man, rejoicing in anticipation of that future victory over the serpent which was to be accomplished by the seed of the woman. Let it not lessen our sorrow for sin, that we were beguiled into it; but let it increase our self-indignation, that we should suffer ourselves to be deceived by a known cheat, and a sworn enemy, who would destroy our souls. in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry. i. Though Adam and Eve and their descendants were prevented from eating the fruit of the tree of life (by Gods mercy), they could still come there to meet God. Verse Genesis 3:19. This creature didnt start as a snake as we know it, it became one. 16-19 The woman, for her sin, is condemned to a state of sorrow, and of subjection; proper punishments of that sin, in which she had sought to gratify the desire of her eye, and of the flesh, and her pride. a. When God made clothes for our first parents, he made them warm and strong, but coarse and very plain; not robes of scarlet, but coats of skin. Adam sinned with his eyes wide open, in open rebellion against God. a. We are called to talk to the devil, but never to have a discussion with him. Man's food shall become unpleasant to him. 1. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.. When cherubim are represented on earth (such as in the tabernacle, Exodus 25:10-22), they mark a meeting place with God. ( Genesis 3:1) The serpent begins his temptation. When he gave me the fruit, I ate of it.. They that would not eat the forbidden fruit, must not come near the forbidden tree. Because of this, God has implanted it in the minds of men that more modesty is appropriate for these areas of our body. Prophets Because she was the mother of all living: Adam named her Eve, even though she was not a mother at all at the time. An animal had to die. i. Any angel of the lowest rank could have dealt with Adam. The LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them: God wanted Adam and Eve clothed, not naked. iii. conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy Her words, you shall not eat it and lest you die are close enough, but she added to the command and put words in Gods mouth when she said, nor shall you touch it. WebGenesis 3. Uneasiness and weariness with labour are our just punishment, which we must patiently submit to, since they are less than our iniquity deserves. a. Adam called his wifes name Eve: Up to Genesis 3:20, the woman has never been called Eve. The serpent: The text here does not, by itself alone, clearly identify the serpent as Satan, but the rest of the Bible makes it clear this is Satan appearing as a serpent. He aims to make them discontented with their present state, as if it were not so good as it might be, and should be. Humanity was originally given every perfect thing they could need or want, and virtually no restrictions. Jesus, in taking on humanity, brought Himself near to Satans domain so Satan could strike Him. Has God said, Ye shall not lie, nor take his name in vain, nor be drunk, &c.? Luke-Acts Few subjects are more important! Genesis 19:3 Commentaries: Yet he urged them strongly, so they Having food and a covering, let them be content; they are as well off as Adam and Eve. Yes, I am sure he has, and it is well said; and by his grace I will abide by it. Eve was responsible. See Romans 7:11; Hebrews 3:13. His habitation is cursed. 6. a. And the woman said to the serpent: Eves first mistake was in even carrying on a discussion with the serpent. After the fall, everything looked worse. As the gospel gains ground, Satan falls. The Gospels They must have thought, Its our turn next!. No marvel that they became a terror to themselves, and full of confusion. If all these people were brought together in a church-like organization, it would be the third largest religious denomination in America. Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you that you should not eat? Then the man said, The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.. They saw the happiness they fell from, and the misery they were fallen into. War is proclaimed between the Seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. i. Jesus was tempted in the same three-fold way: an appeal to the physical appetites, an appeal to covetous and emotional desires, and an appeal to pride (Matthew 4:1-11). iii. That Satan has power to enter into living bodies is clear, for he did so upon a very large scale with regard to men in the days of Christ Being compelled to have an embodiment, the master evil spirit perceived the serpent to be at that time among the most subtle of all creatures; and therefore he entered into the serpent as feeling that he would be most at home in that animal (Spurgeon). Yet death being dreadful to nature, even when life is unpleasant, that concludes the punishment. God wanted more than innocent man; His plan is to bring forth redeemed man. It is the common fault and folly of those that have done ill, when questioned about it, to acknowledge only that which is so manifest that they cannot deny it. I. The idea that the woman takes her name from the husband, and the idea that both genders are encompassed in terms like mankind, humanity, and chairman. It would not be until the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8) when God would normally come to them. b. (22-24). Pentateuch Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame (Revelation 16:15). We need to let Jesus cover us (Revelation 3:5, 18), and put on Jesus Himself as our covering garment (Galatians 3:27). The devil's instruments must share in the devil's punishments. iii. i. Many have speculated that Adam sinned because he didnt want Eve to be alone in the fall, and he ate of the fruit out of a romantic impulse. He gave way to temptation, but the Saviour withstood it. Pauline Epistles As a result of the fall, man no longer rules easily; he must fight from his headship. Those who are willing to take the pleasure and profit of sin, are backward to take the blame and shame of it. c. On your belly you shall go: Whatever noble bearing the creation known as the serpent had before the fall and the curse, that nobility was gone. d. She also gave to her husband with her: Not only did Eve sin, but also she became the agent of temptation for Adam. Genesis 3 He turned aside quickly. 1. In response, God issues three individual ''curses'' which affect humanity to this day. This shows the falsehood of the tempter, and the frauds of his temptations. Rebellion against God is not better when motivated by a romantic impulse. ii.

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