09 Mar

who poisoned henriette in versailles show

Today you get the chance to kill a king! While hes saying this, Marchal behind them is taking out a knife, and suddenly he slides it across the floor, and Louis picks it up, and Montcourt lunges another candlestick is involved.. OMG And then Louis grabs Montcourt from behind and sinks the knife into him! In between re-watching S1, of course. Even if I ignore the historical figures behind the show and what I know of their real lives, I cant ignore the historical setting or the social arena in which the show is played. Pretty sure he was not the one who did the poisoning thing. Close the doors! The Queen adds: we must put her in the bed. Louis nods; in she goes. Hes not gonna tell him of Rohan outright, is he? Toodles. In walks Philippe, now fully dressed (and what a fine figure he is!) That Henriette was such an effective way of hurting Philippe is down to Philippes viewing her as his property, not because he felt any true affection for her (at least, not until closer towards the end, when I do believe he really does care). Charming. The Henriette thing is just one more on the heaping pile of shit. Rohan took him riding. Then he screams out: CALL THE GUARD!. And suddenly Philippe is the calm one, says gently, brother and the look on his face, as the tears trickle gently down his cheeks the quiet sadness as Louis stares at him, then his realisation that this is it. Yes, it was the thinking of that time but wouldnt that make her a victim of circumstances, rather to be pitied than villified? A day later, I was hooked. Both felt neglected by the other. Ita all so quick, and beautifully choreographed. Philippe is the complete dysfunctional mess he is thanks to Louis (and their mother) and he would have my complete sympathy, were it not for his raping his wife in a fit of anger and jealousy. New episodes of " Versailles " air at 10/9c Saturdays on Ovation, but are rebroadcast throughout the week. And yes, the Chevalier does live to quite a ripe old age . I cannot even imagine his reasoning for this, however I do know historically, Henriette desperately did want to be Queen of France, as did her mother want it, but at the time, she didnt have the pedigree, being the sister to Englands heir who wasnt even on the throne at the time. I enjoyed them very much, I must saymuch more than this series, which is good entertainement, but, God, so FAR from being historically correct, in so many ways. Plus he told Louis he didnt recognise the sender of the notes which is technically true. Which one? Louis asks. Philippe: my brother always trusted you. Claudine: I am honoured. Philippe whispers: I dont believe I know what it feels like. .. Emo Philippe, so dark and tortured! And remember you can also start at the beginning and read my reviews of EpisodesOne, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six,Seven,Eight. throughout the show, we see Louis attempts to belittle and emasculate Philippe. HOW DID THEY DO THAT SO PERFECTLY??? Point 10: The abnoxious snog in front of Henriette. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. The best visual of the whole episode. I think it would be naive of us to assume that was the first (or only) time that happened. Its stoic. Dear Anne, Im guessing I know a fair bit more about rape, the history of rape, the history of rape within marriage and womens rights (and lack thereof) than you realise. So Louis settles into sleep. Also, his relationship with his brother was much less complicated than we see in this show, Philippe was a very simple person when it came to feelings, he was affectionate and friendly. I just rot an extremely long omment He is the villain if you are looking for one. Get him out! Henriette cries. I do. Does she want to end things with Louis? Louis has not (even though yeah, okay, protocol). And just like that, the light dims in his eyes, his face twists and his zealotry is gone. And suddenly Marchal has his ah-HA moment. Do you honestly think that just because certain abusesatrocities, evenwere acceptable, that those on the receiving end didnt feel anger, pain, violation, etc. Your loyalty can lie with Philippe while still acknowledging that Henriette is also a victim and not the villain (the real villain here is Louis). Lulz. He did it with Prince Annaba, with Philippe and the Chevalier, with Philippe in the bath whether its just him thinking hey, Im the King, I can do whatever TF I want or some other deep need to catch people unawares, I do not know). It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. I will come, says Philippe. Revealing nothing. I think he has done his younger brother irreperable harm and, at times, I wonder if he wouldnt throw Philippe to the wolves if it suited him or France. My biggest problem with Henriette/Louis is that I find it highly doubtful that Louis would have sex with her. Montcourt is stabbed by Louis XIV while facing off with him and Fabien Marchal. He is genuinely happy to see the Chevalier and shows it. I think we see fairly good evidence in episode 7 that not only does Philippe support his brother, but that he is honestly frightened of the idea of running the country and has no desire to take his brothers place (his anger at being overlooked for the regency is more due to his hurt that no one supports him or takes him seriouslyhis experience all his life). As Montcourt is delivering this little speech, the camera angle singles out the massive symbolism in the shot: the angels on his leather sash belt. You really point out a lot of details one might miss when watching the episodes for the first time. We see Henriette asleep in the bed. Louvois and Marchal agree. Thank you (and I agree with you on all pints!!! Henriette wanted to go!). Henriette, however, was never robust and often experienced such terrible pains in her side that she would lie on the floor to find respite. Montcourt declares he only knew her in passing, Marchal calls out his bullshit: but you knew she had malevolent intent. To which Montcourt sarcastically replies: it may have escaped your notice but everyone in this building has malevolent intent. One witness observed that Henriette looked like a dressed corpse upon whom someone had put some rouge, while others thought she had death painted on her face. IDK??? She causes her father distress, embarasssment, hurt. A brief scene follows, showing Rohan and the Dauphin sword playing and pretending a jolly game of war in the forest, thenwe are back to the Kings bedchamber where Henriette sleeps and Philippe is outside in the antechamber, brooding by the fireplace as Louis walks in. As for Philippe, I cant make out what he is. At least thats always been his excuse. (aaaand check out the looks on Louis and Bontemps faces as I randomly paused right here. Why is his passion for the man he loves to be forgiven and Henriettes passion for the man she loves to be used against her? when Philippe asks if he were to die, her troubles would be solved. you wanted to make it your castle. We cut to the forest, to the two Kings Guards in their blue livery, leaning by a tree as Rohan and little Louis still mock fight. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. Cultural factors, too, played a part. She is later arrested as the poisoner as her son is released, but ridiculed from court. When Marchal goes down and Montcourt takes the knife, Louis lunges, some more fighting with Marchal again entering the fray.. and then OMG Marchal is stabbed!!! Yet how much pain are you willing to endure before you get what you want? Louis decides to go to Paris to bless the sick. You, me, Henriette. Another grabs him, covers his mouth, and more appear to shoot a guard. Much kudos to Nomie Schmidt for a brilliantly sad scene, aided by the backing music and the strength and emotion of George Blagden and Alex Vlahos. But I said lets make it our fort. For once in your life you played along. We now see Philippe, so resigned, with tears down his cheeks, then Louis with a no, this is NOT happening. look on his face, eyes still dry. At the time of his birth, his parents had been married for 23 years. Says you made me marry him. keep him occupied in body and mind, adds Louis with a brief smile. Nup. The sudden onset of Henriettes illness, the severe pain and the short time between the onset of her symptoms and her death suggested to her contemporaries that she had been poisoned. Ive said this before in comments. Its just that his anger and upset (and yes, jealousy I think) affects him so much, because its just another way for his brother to control and belittle him, make him less. Mainly wanted to know about Chevalier after last weeks tearful declaration of love. His belief was shared by Elizabeth-Charlotte, Philippes second wife, who named the culprits as Lorraine and the Marquis dEffiat, an equerry, who had acted without Philippes knowledge. It was quite the method du jour to get rid of a person, as the series has shown. Is it fair? the rest will do her good, Bontemps says. See above comments about Henriettes powerlessness as a woman. Director Daniel Roby Writers Simon Mirren David Wolstencroft Stars George Blagden Alexander Vlahos Tygh Runyan See production, box office & company info The flowers theyre singing. and she is gone. Louis: And that makes you a liar.. Thank you. Colbert tries to push his point when Louis enters. Apparently de Clermont gave Marchal the names of the conspirators against the king, and all the names of those who shared her allegiance. (For the record, I am speaking strictly of the characters in this drama, not the historical characters). Did not see this one coming! And Philippe is the one who looks tortured, he is the emotional one, while Louis remains stoic. The true cause of Henriettes death can never be known, but one thing is certain: this beloved princess was sadly missed. But that was the thinking of the time. But enough with this. Thank you for the recaps, I am with you on all things you write about Monsieur Marchal, he is everything! Ive mentioned before that his intimate interactions with women in the show are used as a form of punishment towards those who have hurt him Louis (with Louise and Henriette) and the Chevalier (with the maid). Especially as her lover was the king. He gets up and leaves, walking through the corridors with a candelabra. Henriette. You can ask to reproduce it, though - just contact me. You sound worse than Montespan and de Clermont sparring over the card-tables! But she is human and she can feel jealousy and make inappropriate remarks at inappropriate moments. she was the one who found it, actually. And Philippe says calmly and quietly: There. Ugh. When she travelled to England, she was excited at the prospect of seeing her brother, Charles, again. In which case, I dont blame her one bit! 1556332. Philippe has done as little to win her affection as she has to win his and Philippe certainly flaunts his lover in her face far more than she does hers in his. Philippe was the one in strident dissent! He cares for her, but anytime he has to choose between Chevalier and her, he always choose the former. In reality it only took a very short time for the plan to take full effect. He remembers too. Then Ep 8 miscarriage scene the painting is no longer on table. Bontemps says: protocol demands that if the air is impure and if you are at risk, you must leave immediately. (this is true) Marchal strides in to take command. Henriette, however, happens to be in love with the king and, more importantly, it seems he with her. It felt like if the whole world came running for us his voice thickens with emotion, we might fend off all who would take us ill. He finally looks up, at Louis. #JesusTakeTheWheel What a scene. Montcourt denies it: No, Sire. What if the poison spreads? SYNC. However, the bible does say something about a man being expected to marry his brothers widow. Would you villify a slave because he hated his master or ran away simply because slavery was accepted at that time and slaves (much like women, little difference there) were considered nothing more than the property of their masters to do with as they please (again, just as a woman was to her husband)? Her mother (a french princess) is dead, and shes alone, probably the only English in the palace. While making this video i was inspired by the scene when Henriette talks about her first mask ball. I am waiting eagerly for the second season and I really hope to see you write about it then. Henriette gasps, crying and in pain. How can you be scared? (sweet Philippe!) As her husband, Philippe, rushed to her bedside, Henriette chided him, Alas, Monsieur, it is a long time since you loved me, but this is unjust. Alerted, Henriettes lady-in-waiting watched the duke closely, but he showed no indication of guilt and every sign that he was distressed by his wifes condition. I know this coming years later, but to Theresa THANK YOU SO MUCH. The moment stretches and Claudine shakes her head: she will not survive the poison. We see a shot of Philippe and Louis: Philippe is stunned and mega sad. And c) to show the resentment Philippe has for his wife, a woman whom he has to share with his brother, and he cannot do a damn thing about it. And Louvois being the pompous ass he is, says haughtily: Before you speak to me, I suggest you speak to the king. Marchal: I am his Majestys eyes and ears, Msieur Louvois. Nothing. You see it in Ep3 where he yells where is MY wife? You see it in Ep2 with his angry speech to Louis: do you tell yourself that when you are fucking MY WIFE? In so many subtle ways Philippe is being demeaned by Louis. hes a critic, but there is another who has been hidden before us. Despite being a dab hand at treating people who have been poisoned, the doc announces that she . She finally asks. Is Philippe a victim? Pale and in obvious distress, she was put to bed, but her pains were so severe that she believed she must have been poisoned and asked for an antidote. Nor can I hold her responsible for the fact that Louis uses her as a weapon against his brother. Louis is calm but angry: then you set yourself against me. Philippe pauses, looks incredibly sad for a moment, then briefly nods. I think this comes down to loyalty one would assume the Kings guard would be fiercely loyal to the crown so no one would suspect any plotting. I have one comment / correction on what you wrote on Henriettes death scene. They exchange silent looks for a moment, then Philippe says quietly, Do you remember our fort?. Here it is, mes amis! In my opinion, I agree with Teresa. And what better way to keep Louis safe than have his Head of Security plant one of his spies in his bed? Hes just having some fun. There was an attempt on her life before. And there is also Dangerous Liaisons, but that is set in the 18th century. Philippe is no more vulnerable to the hurt and damage done to him than she is to the hurt and damage done to her, simply because he is a man with rights and she is a woman with no rights. Cats with nine lives. Vatel (with Uma Thurman and Gerard Depardieu). Does Henriette mind being used by Louis? Copyright 2023 History Today Ltd. Company no. And she did it willingly. Philippe: Because you told her to. Louis: Because she was born to it. Philippe: Because she loves you. Louis: if we do not have the English, we cannot attack the Dutch. The look on Philippes face is incredulous yes, Louis is talking war when his wife lies dying. Bontemps wants to move her she cannot stay in the Kings bed. but Claudine says she cannot be moved. Who was that mysterious man in the mask of Apollo who dan. ? Louis drops the poker, approaches Montcourt. Henriette says to Philippe: Im sorry. It was so good. Trusting Philippe and involving him in the running of France would make him a better, stronger king. the kiss between the Chevalier and Philippe happens after the war, after Philippe has seen Louis bring Henriette to the front. It is not clear in the show. He has poisoned all of them. See production, box office & company info. You mentioned the Charles Beaubrun painting of Louis & Philippewell I was noticing how this stunning piece travels around the palace in season one. . Point 3: Good question, which is the greater sin?

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who poisoned henriette in versailles show