09 Mar

scott mckay patriot streetfighter

You know, like give me the mascot get on a plane or like now you get to put it on like so I put it on my chin strap. That All right, this is all patriot Street Fighter stuff. no john Hancock there was 14 coward your fork and coward, 49:15 The person that knows the least always knows that the loudest. Never say graduate school. Theyre not like boom, heaven. Thats my thats my turf. And so he wanted to speak to me, guiding me through a mediary to basically let me know about the corruption in higher levels of the police department that its not just there, its all over the place. phonons can be thought of as quantized sound waves, similar to photons as quantized light waves. guys in Santa Barbara, I got a very good friend up there. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Medium, WordPress, Google, Gmail (literally), Blogspot, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, PayPal, LiveJournal, Soundcloud, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Tumblr, Flickr & Youtube and probably several others I forgot about. Its part of their Ascension experience. It was an echo chamber. You got to be a guy that thinks intellect is what I respect. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Email *Your Message *NameSEND MESSAGE. And you know, I like to say God has a sense of humor. back behind me is my degree from the University of Virginia, which was awarded on May 18 1980. Same thing, and its down there putting some money in there to make sure that that our side can can participate. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of the Takedown of the Deep State. Got to get the radio show prepared for yet. I talked to him tonight on the tipping point on revolution radio. Thats where its going to end. yay a dark cloud is finally lifting across the world as the us military intelligence and their global markets are destroying the deep state criminal power structures that have ruled over our planet, 1:15:50 We also discuss SPACE FORCE and the complexities of the battle for human freedom. Patriot Street Fighter! "This is probably one of the best interviews I've ever done. I didnt believe your last paper either. Yep, we are at war. They said a conviction is something youre willing to die for. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. american american okay and so i sent you by text oh the next day somebody sent me john kerry special envoy to the president sitting on an american airlines in first class in in la by the window looked a little left side of the plane but it looks like looks like my flight hes sitting there with no mask on eye on nobody nobody viewed no mask in sight its not even around his neck her in his hand its nowhere to be seen oh yeah they didnt take him off the plane or on saturday that the united airlines pilot that had a perfectly see through mask one of the ones they listed is as unacceptable on their website last i looked you are doctors youre not medical professionals you cant none of this has no basis in science and medicine this is just control this is lets just see if we can get everybody down your bow down and kiss my ass glide said it before and ill say it again i dont bow down to anybody but god and im not bowing down to anybody its just simply not happening so its you know and and so this goes on for a while where you know finally you know im hurting pretty bad and hes like youre going you know youre going to jail and that didnt work well last time where i dont get out of there for five days and i cant do anything about it and i know i hear you david ill be out there in a minute so my husband just came home and i locked the door so he wouldnt interrupt us, 1:06:32 Im like, Are you freaking kidding me? I went to get that up this weekend with him on Friday. Id like to see if a guy like that a coward like that would bring something like that to the guy like Mike Jayco Yeah, take him off the plane like that. Thats a difficult one for many people, because its far its far outside of the parameters of things that weve been taught to understand. 51:05 We will be on the radio show shortly and keep up the great work pass out. I was going to get into this every time Im like, sure that take its in a cellophane go upstairs. God bless you. On the tour, if we get the whole way through it great, I got a chance to be around the country. And of course, same thing back and forth. But if so I might find a place where we can all gather patriot street fighters can gather for a little time together so we can chat. Im so pissed off about what was done not just to anybody, but specifically you and Ben for the reasons why and I want to I want to go right into that real fast. I dont care who it is. Security is the most significant cost, the level I being advised to have. So Ill get some more information about that those of you who are in Maryland, or New Jersey, certainly pa New York and the surrounding states, if you want to come to spend that weekend or two days, I guess Ill be there with Franny, Francine and Alan upfront in the prophetic, talk about that event coming up. This time I get to strike two on both channels in one day, like how were making progress and Boom, theyre all gone. Thanks again for the continued support. The Patriot Street Fighter Revolutionary Army is resonating is resonating everywhere all over the world. And cleaner, simpler, I guess I dont really understand these things. Im like, Im like, is this a trainee? But guess what Karen, Karen shows up the gate attendant, she shows up and it goes this way. Im gonna get my friends, were going to go to the next meeting, were going to tell them how its going to be because they work for us. I promise you it doesnt think thats the question youre asking last appointment to a new place, same thing. So were going to end this is we make it known and we all stand up together. When designing a unique treatment plan for your specific ailment, he believes in involving his patients and families in the decision-making process. Thanks for visiting Palbulletin and please tell your friends & family about us. 11:07 Its on the side of the door of the plane. Anyways. 1:18 This will ignite all the other good guys in the department to step up and say you know what? And and he shoves me into the hand put in the handcuffs with my mask taking you know, takes my mask off. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* Because they these are the theyre the the good guys are a outnumber these pieces of shit. So and then it looks like Ill be working for the next four months for free again. This is what they do to me anyways. Portly Hillary Clinton Appears on Stage with Pete Buttigieg at Clinton Global Initiative U Conference (VIDEO), Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore But Feds Still Deny Link, DEVELOPING: Residents Told to Shelter in Place After Train Derailment in Springfield, Ohio (VIDEO), JUST IN: Presidential Candidate Whos Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll, Real Housewives of Orange County Star Announces Youngest Daughter is Transgender Named Ace. Im think Im getting on a plane. immunology, well learn the depths of that are correct me on that, Dr. Judy, but you have been on the front line, if I remember, properly is back accurately was back might have been the 80s when we were looking at the HIV explosion in a very critical time. But this is pretty interesting. Yes, he by now. PAYPAL ACCEPTED: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD OR PREFER TO PAY VIA PAYPAL SIMPLY MAKE A 1 YEAR PAYMENT COST OF 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION is $36 AND simply email me your payment receipt: [emailprotected] Then I will send you a One year access. Of course I wouldnt whatever do for the show. Type above and press Enter to search. Read our Pledge HERE. If I see something I push a lot of people to other channels, I bring them on this show. Whats the motivation? So Karens. And Ive been in these environments like Matt never got a chance to say hello to Scott or whatever. Hes from the Philly area. And whos the right next to him? However, I supported 100% 100%. So humanity, you guys, youre the guys with the numbers, who can turn it all around because many most of you guys a vast majority dont agree with any of this bullshit when we collectively make a move. By the way more packages came today. Post by @Cynthia85345839. You know, hopefully we get a little, you know, get a little intro to general or Sydney. Theres something else Im forgetting here. Im actually in San Diego, California area today. Shipping Policy Id like to see how that would work out. But, but these are just things that I have to take care of. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably, the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is the right, it is the duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. And Im very happy about that. So Im you know, Im I apply for the job I get the job. Well, congratulations, sir, I think we made you famous tonight you want to be youll be notorious or you want to be famous one that youre notorious in Santa Barbara. Great video. I know why they went in there, you know, the poppy fields and a lot of other stuff. And so youve got one a and me. Ive got a whole stack of them here that I give to the kids. We make seminal discoveries they call us city, its all along one paper I remember on the gene expression, the epi genetics and how HIV could could regulate how that latency my PhD was latency in that that monocyte macrophage that innate immune cell and how it activates and if you simply so the that my PhD thesis committee said based on your thesis will Magic Johnson die of HIV AIDS and everybody was dying in 1991. SCOTT McKAY: PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER, BROADCASTER. The boxes I dont have near me, but I think the Armys not growing. Now we have these infiltrators that are coming to the movement as of lately, I know you guys are sending me some stuff. Gonna be over the nose. So that weekend, we will be having an event here in Dallas on the tour. Send us a message on Facebook. Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. About Us Scott's Story. Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. In an indoor July 11 rally in Pennsylvania, McKay addressed the audience of hundreds of unmasked people with the tomahawk in his hand and the butt of a handgun sticking out of his waistband. I didnt know it was gonna go as badly as it did. But one of the reasons that Im having her here that just emerged, since we spoke two weeks ago was being arrested in Santa Barbara airport. Its it is what it is. Heres where it gets interesting. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! Find the YouTube icon because whatever channel on YouTube that we have active that were going to be broadcasting on, itll be there. Now, what are we all here we went in there because of weapons of mass destruction. Im honored to the gave us you this for this long and Im honored to have you here and I am truly honored. Its just total bullshit to be, never could figure that out, couldnt rectify myself one shot here. They they gain this thing out, and what were living through now is part of their plan. But at least we keep the world at least we keep our freedom, right. And Ive been able to sideline my solar business. If you cant find me, you cant find the live streams. Who is Scott Mckay. Why are you stopping the people from boarding the plane? So of course the tour is coming through from Louisiana coming to Dallas. You know, next year, hey, were on patriot Street Fighter 4740 as a backup channel, so I just tell him that Yeah, by the way, the general is in the house. Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. The weakest person, right? Dont worry, Im right here, you know, his girlfriend was there. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. mics and out of shadows, the brilliant film about Hollywood pedophilia. | Your Browser Does Not Support iframes!Your Browser Does Not Support iframes! LAST CHANCE! Join Scott McKay TONIGHT at 8:30 PM (EST) for "Ask the Expert," EXCLUSIVE to AMP Insiders ONLY! Anyways, but thats fine. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Were getting some really kick ass guests here really kick ass guests. Popular Mechanics, radioactive diamond battery will run for 28,000 years. Why would Trump allow this? They put the Patriot Street Fighter logo right into the metal. As my friend Danny hasty, Atreus streetfighter, put that, put it in in, put it right inside, you can actually get these things up. Now that youre coming forward, Im not going to have him spotlighted. Talk about stepping out into stepping into the Dragons Den and making a film like that about Hollywood and hes a career Hollywood guy. All I can say is this is that those casualties that happen. Ladies and gentlemen, patriots street fighters, it is April the 12th on Monday, and welcome to the new channel. Patriot Streetfighter - Scott McKay - Our Great Awakening MyPillow WINS! Now. Privacy Policy Yes, theres an email registration form there in the front page. How do you say that? Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. But if you want to watch that show as I do it on Radio Live simply go right to this channel patriot Street Fighter 11 hang out for a little bit because right at the top of the hour Im gonna go ahead and click live stream we will be live this is one guest you supply I say that about all the guests because we get Do you guys agree? PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER - American Media Periscope So youre basically working for Big Pharma, youre a contractor, and you get less pay no benefits, and youre basically a hired gun. We know that the we know the movie The band played on, we know that in 1993. I interview Scott McKay a fellow broadcaster about his views on Trump and team, the playing field and how various issues may interfere with goals and agendas. Im Dr. Judy. diseases caused by a the an untested, unsafe vaccine schedule since then President Ronald Reagan removed all liability in 1986. Most people in the freedom movement know Patriot Streetfighter, but very few know Scott McKay, the kind, gentle soul behind the boisterous persona. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. Youre hurting me. You see if thats the date, you want to come over and gather for I think its Tuesday, actually, its Tuesday. So this security guard says take the glasses off, take the hat off, take the mask off, which I do and and then I put it all back on. here. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. He spent two decades in the wellness industry, launching that career from the National stage in competitive bodybuilding. And we say Simply did the work to try to save humanity and just just put the truth out there without rule without regard to these corrupt this plague of corruption that I now call it, you know, thats the the long and the short of everything. Yeah, your circle all these years? Scott McKay is a very well spoken and well researched patriot who follows the Q movement and is very familiar with politics and the take down of the global cabal. Its always more than that. And this is what theyre doing right now with COVID-19. Theyre great up there thats all thats in my wheelhouse for the moment. Its simply a preference. You know, I said, Yeah, you didnt target me when Im flying with Bobby Kennedy Jr, digit. I prefer you dont Why? I. I thought that was pretty interesting. Its really simple I always business or otherwise, whats the motivation here? I want to talk for a minute about I got a quick update, Im gonna read you that I got days ago. So any, you know, were gonna make sure that we stay, you know, on the sidelines, we dont get in the way of that schedule, I have no idea what the schedule is, I just heard this, its just, its just my natural, you know, thought processes hate, lets make sure that, you know, we have a clear path. Spurlock. yeah through this angry crowd you know not all yeah yeah just throw away the key kind of thing you know and by then im like you moron you want to kill yourself i dont care thinning of the herd yeah thats what we need im just not gonna stand by while innocent children die you know from those toxic mess there is no law called the sheriff there is no log all the sheriff you know as theyre pushing me into the elevator they take me out to the curb and and the guy i never see you know either has a finger in the middle of my back remember they just keep touching the handcuffs so my left arm you know they can get their little scream so they could see if they could get this you know this woman you know to squeal or scream whatever as theyre abusing me and and i dont know whats in my bag a gun baton a finger you know who knows there are two suv police cars i think it said santa barbara city police you know and i resisted saying fucking rent a cop but i did that once before and it didnt go well for me i did gollum rent a car that was all the way back in the 80s i called the military police at fort dietrich redekop when when he was stupid enough to come arrest me at work in the lab because i hadnt worn a helmet on my bike into the post at fort dietrich so he said go home and get one you know go ride the bike six miles home and get one oh that makes a hell of a lot of sense you moron yeah lets just its dangerous so lets just go ride cata just go to work and remember it tomorrow because i wear the helmet over the baseball cap because i always have and i forgot i didnt have it on in any rate so these guys take me off to the way side of the airport not directly in front of the airport where they can people could see where people might recognize dr judy while people might see these assholes beaten up an innocent woman for nothing with the mask in my hand you know really in handcuffs behind me you know i didnt refuse to wear a mask and you dont get to say what kind of mask i get to wear thank you very much so you know and they take me off to the side and by now im realizing after you know experiencing the force they they is spurlock and inflicted on me on the plane and since that they could take me out on the side of the airport santa barbara everybody knows its just the field nobodys over theres theres not you know 20 people in the airport at any given time theyre two suvs theyve you know and they could do anything they want and they could say oh they took the handcuffs off and i assaulted them and shoot me i dont know or beat me up with the baton you know so they spend the next 20 minutes half hour trying to force me to sign this citation and i said i will not there is no law call the sheriff call the sheriff call my lawyer oh you could do that later as a no im not im not im not signing anything then well take your right to jail and they start to put me in one of these suvs you know hurting me all the way and they arent gentle unkind is they were a little bit kinder in 2011 when they arrested me at least they went back and got my, 1:04:56 Now, do you understand when I say were going to put all this stuff? Because this is what conviction is, this is what its going to take on every single level from all of us to stop the bullshit. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. COA and Hemp Information. SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE!! What is the Patriot Street Fighter Tour by Scott McKay? Sorry, I just wanted to make sure they were clear who, 23:07 Everywhere I go, people are wearing that little kids breathing this. Im wearing to save the kid shirt or anything to do with child sex trafficking. Thats, you know, patriots certainly, I mean, need to work together. Thats it, its over. Posted BY: Wyatt Three deep-water explosions destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea in September 2022. | So Ill give them to so I want almost to after Ill give them till five minutes after. Im like, Well, you know what? (Recommended). Fauci is, you know, 1520 years older, hes not gonna 20 years old, or hes not going to talk to a nothing 20 something year old female really matters, the misogyny in science, its like, oh, you wonder about the me to movement of a few years ago. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of And were not going anywhere. And this is kind of a this is my narcissistic t shirt actually. Well be in. So couple things to talk to you about tonight. I always have the tomahawk on the left shoulder. Theres nothing that can be done for you nothing. Also Check out our Telegram Feed for all of the Latest News! This isnt protecting people. for hundreds of years we are free with the god given rights and we shall not deal and write to any power on earth, 1:15:57 Youll be easy to, Ill be easier to run into. But, you know, fortunately, you know, I was I was in the program, I always I started June I, I lost the job that I started purifying interferon in fermentation chemistry. Read our Pledge HERE. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. Want to share news with us? The important thing with my show with a tipping point is number one, to rattle the establishment, spotlight them call them what they are, show people that theyre just people, theyre nothing, theyre no different than you and I theyre just people that were put into or wormed their way in positions of power to participate in the takedown of this country. I plan on in the fall, arranging some events in those areas where I can just fly in, you know, well do an event, you know, and and Gatto cost us some ticket money to have to do that, because theres nothing theres no tickets sold on. Im going to Im going to share what I know. Patriot Street Fighter; Military This natural occurring element allows threats of any kind to be located before they take place. Scott McKay and Patriot Streetfighters Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovitz, https://www.survivethenews.com/go/initiativeq/, Kim Iversen: Pfizer Exec Caught Hoping Virus Never Ends So Pharma Can Make Bank, Portly Hillary Clinton Appears on Stage with Pete Buttigieg at Clinton Global Initiative U Conference (VIDEO), Spate of Whale Strandings Near Offshore Wind Projects Becoming Impossible to Ignore But Feds Still Deny Link, DEVELOPING: Residents Told to Shelter in Place After Train Derailment in Springfield, Ohio (VIDEO), JUST IN: Presidential Candidate Whos Never Held a Political Office Beats Out Nikki Haley and Mike Pence For Third Place In CPAC Straw Poll, Real Housewives of Orange County Star Announces Youngest Daughter is Transgender Named Ace. all the evidence is there all the truth yet again, this is a lazy person that didnt want to do it. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. LAST CHANCE! Join Scott McKay TONIGHT at 8:30 PM (EST) for "Ask the Im not the guy that hangs out back stage Green Room, stuff like that. I dont think that happens. He just cant even stand the insanity. And theyre, of course hearing my dialogue on this bullshit from law enforcement. Im going to get a better one soon. And that these guys were publishing in the Washington Post then as they do now? Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter With Michael Jaco & David Nino Nobody said one word. Theyre predicated on one fact, theyre going to fight for you and defend you. You know, just like HIV didnt cause AIDS. But so patriot Street Fighter six, seven and eight went down. But I figured strategically we only have a warning here. Great video. Their finding pushes back the fossil record of insects transporting pollen from one plant to another, a key aspect of modern-day pollination, by about 120 million years. Yeah. I know people are pissed and losing jobs and all this stuff happening. You're on patriot Street Fighter eight still, I believe seven is ready to go. So hear me loud and clear because this is the ignition point for whats coming. And its great for us because the Patriot Street Fighter tour gets to basically come along, when you know, the logistics and all that work, and hes starting to put a lot of stuff together, there will be speaking engagements other than Gettysburg, that I will be stepping away from these or that itll take me out of the tour for a day or two here or there. But make sure that you keep the funds flowing, those of you who are looking to donate directly to RDS, because thats a lot of money that theyre that theyre pulling up to fund, you know, these five other tour buses. You have people that arent measuring up, and that this is a way for them to get attention. [] Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay interview on His Glory: Whistleblowers are Coming Forward. Cuz they wont listen. You know, what, what about science and that, and thats what youll see in our upcoming book ending plague. The news is fake. 50:42 Because its these. Theres more than just that. By Kerry Cassidy September 24, 2022 1 Min Read. Theyre making the police officer general look bad when its not. Nope. The world is waking up and this is the tipping point. Ive heard that there is great concern or a fair amount of concern for. Im isolating virus from from people with AIDS from their saliva. So every time I lost a job, it was because I wasnt going to play that game. Fort Worth. Because this Listen, theres a lot of police officers out there that are pissed off. Believe me I get it sounds crazy. Return Policy Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. But I said please film get it Look at my hand and I cant move them because both my hands are and up by my neck. 9 2021/07/18() 16:29:56.60 ID:yk2847ta(1) So you guys have a great night love yall. I think it was American Gangster. You have no other chances. Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. And of course, they brought it up and I said, My typical Ive got an irrevocable National Medical. You want to find how because I get this all the time in the threads if I see him. Its a its an essential experiential framework, which with which we exist in, and we take from it what we can, from that experience, and where we dont learn will learn the next time around. And they try to say my name is and I said Mike Have it. he would try that move on me if he was going to remove me from the airplane. And I hate to say this, but if I cant get a chance to meet a number of you while were there. For some of you who havent, maybe have not come across that video and be surprised most of us do. If you want to gather for maybe get a little camera footage of you guys. So I came down to a friendlier place where Im going to appear tomorrow with Dell big tree and others at the awaken church heart of freedom to conference. I mean, Im afraid if I saw you walking somewhere I might even hear banging together. SUBSCRIBE TO AMPINSIDER FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT, BACKSTAGE PASSES, EVENTS, AND MORE! Patriot Streetfighter. I think I bought a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. 2:08 And I turned around and see who said yes and theyre showing me on their phone and theyre on their way to Phoenix showing me on the phone a picture of a friend who 58 years old run six miles a day I believe she said died three days after the COVID shot and in in perfect health 58 year old man or so. And they built that thing over heavy armor division, great, great people. 6:01 Youre the same story. This then allows the space force assets to mobilize and position satellites for a strategic and direct action response, ie evergreen vessel and others. Patriot Street Fighter!

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scott mckay patriot streetfighter